Thursday, July 30, 2020

Hey, thats me!

Hello, that is me! Hello, that is me! Stepping stools tells you when selection representatives are scanning for competitors like you so you can placed your cap in the ring.How do enrollment specialists and managers discover you? A fraction of the time they're looking, a fraction of the time they're posting occupations, and a fraction of the time they're covered under an excessive number of terrible resumes for the places that they have open.We've included Inside Leads to make it simpler for you to stand out.When a spotter or HR supervisor scans on Ladders for a specific job - a Director of Marketing, or a Lead Developer, or a Sales VP - and our framework recognizes this is a job they're enrolling for, we'll share that data with you. You'll see Inside Lead on the quest for new employment results page like this.If you think Hello, that is me! when you see what the enrollment specialist or manager is searching for, simply click Like and we'll let the scout know.We're continually enhancing here at Ladders, and we're dreadfully glad for concocting Inside Lead - the first occasion when you'll get the chance to see the real ventures of selection representatives and bosses in a system.And we believe it's only one all the more method to make your inquiry simpler and more effective.Marc Cenedella is the Chairman of Ladders, the head versatile and online occupation coordinating help for vocation driven experts, which has changed the manner in which employment up-and-comers and businesses interface on the web. Follow Marc on Twitter at @Cenedella .

Thursday, July 23, 2020

New Twist on Employee Referrals - Workology

New Twist on Employee Referrals - Workology New Twist on Employee Referrals In the recruiting and talent retention industry, referrals are known as one of the most powerful corporate recruiting tools. Experts like  Dr. John Sullivan  have conducted research on hundreds of companies that utilize an effective employee referral system. His research has found that well-managed  employee referral programs  can produce a high volume of quality candidates who have a better understanding of the corporate culture and position requirements. Referral programs offer a lower recruiting cost per candidate option as well as statistically resulting in lower turnover. I myself, have benefited from an effective employee referral program.   Throughout the year, employee referrals have resulted in over 40% of hires and at a much higher rate of employee retention.   What is important in managing a successful program is through proper marketing and promotion of the referral program to your current employees, quick payment, and allowing for referrals outside of the traditional system and incorporating referrals from chance meetings while candidates are demonstrating their skills and abilities.   Some of my best candidates have been from chance meetings at the grocery check out, at a networking event, or soccer tournament.   Never miss an opportunity for an employee to positively promote your company no matter where or what the circumstance. New Twist on Employee Referrals A relatively new Atlanta-based company,  Bonus Box  offers a new twist on employee referral programs.   Their website,  is still in Beta and marries   job search matching techonology with a job seeker referral program.   The job search matching technology is some of the best in the industry and boasts over three years of research.   Prospective candidates are asked a series of questions and then matched to positions based on the companys culture, job skills, requirements, and qualifications.   Candidates within the Bonus Box database are then emailed a list of open positions that fit their match specifications. The company works on the same premise as traditional employee referrals programs in that candidates have qualified friends or connections within their network that are also in the job market.   These candidates have a better understanding of company expectations and culture.   Bonus Box relies on social networking connections and word of mouth advertising to fill open positions and build their candidate database. Bonus Box pays the candidate based on a pay for performance systems the following ways: Candidates are paid $500 by Bonus Box if they are hired for a position from the Bonus Box jobs database.   The candidate is responsible for notifying Bonus Box when they have been hired for a position advertised on their website. Candidates are paid $100 when they refer a friend that is hired for a position listed on Bonus Box.   This is also paid on the honor system by notifying Bonus Box. For companies, the price to advertise the position with Bonus Box is  free.   Companies only pay $900 if the position is filled as a result of Bonus Box.   Businesses who subscribe to Bonus Box also have the ability to mine the candidate database free of charge and only pay if positions are filled with a candidate from the website.   Bonus Box will also advertise your open position using the internet, specifically, social media platforms to drive candidates to your open position and to the hundreds of others they have posted. One of the obvious challenges, Bonus Box will face as they begin to grow and build their candidate database is that their business model works purely on the hope that candidates will notify them if and when they are hired for a position from a Bonus Box job listing.   Resumes within the candidate database are watermarked with the Bonus Box logo and but can easily be added to a recruiters own database and thus hard to track.   I dont anticipate recruiters knocking down the companys door with $900 in hand for a candidate they minded months ago and filled for a completely different open position. To learn more about Employee Referral best practices, visit an interesting article by Dr. John Sullivan on  ERE, Employee Referral Program Killers.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

How to Format Your Resume For Printing

<h1>How to Format Your Resume For Printing</h1><p>Writing a resume in PDF position is basic. There are a few sorts of resume positions, which can be very awkward when you have to print it out and convey it to an organization. In this article, we are going to give you a few hints on the best way to organize your resume for printing purposes.</p><p></p><p>Do not simply skirt the arranging some portion of your resume. Go over it cautiously, so your archive would look flawless and clean. At the point when you are making your resume, ensure that you don't cut any superfluous sections. You ought to likewise maintain a strategic distance from the utilization of too some full-width spaces, since certain organizations may decipher this as reorder and they probably won't imagine that you have really designed your resume properly.</p><p></p><p>Lastly, when you have got done with arranging, you should run a test rendition of your resume by sending it to a couple of individuals. In the event that there are a few blunders in the resume, you may have missed a few sections that can be gotten by the employing supervisor. In this way, it is significant that you get your work done so you can incorporate all the essential data about you, your experience and your skills.</p><p></p><p>As we have referenced above, when you are finished with organizing, remember to design your resume. Once in a while, the hirer will just gander at the spread page of your resume, however on the off chance that you leave a few spaces, he may miss it, so keep this in mind.</p><p></p><p>The most ideal approach to design your resume is through a format, since you can modify it to your necessities and you can even change the text style, style and design to your inclination. Ensure that you utilize precisely the same text dimension and weight, since you will need your resume to look fresh and cle an.</p><p></p><p>The last thing to recollect is that you should ensure that you get a top notch PDF record for printing your resume. Along these lines, the recruiting administrator would realize that you have done a decent job.</p><p></p><p>So, figure out how to arrange your resume for printing purposes. It is an absolute necessity to get a top notch PDF document for printing, which can be modified to your needs.</p>

Thursday, July 9, 2020

LinkedIn Recommendations vs. Endorsements

LinkedIn â€" Recommendations vs. Endorsements ShareShare1endorsements from people who dont know anything about you. You may also be aware that you can give and receive recommendations. Why are there two similar features, and whats the difference? (If youre not on LinkedIn, by the way, you may want to read my post LinkedIn, Who Needs It?) Heres how LinkedIn explains these features: An endorsement is a one-click way for your connections to endorse the Skills Expertise listed on your profile. There is not an automatic way to request an endorsement. A written recommendation is not included with this feature. A recommendation is a written statement of recommendation from a connection. You may request recommendations from your connections, as well as proactively recommend your connections. Do you see the difference in the level of effort involved? Endorsements are often given so casually that they may not carry much weight in the mind of someone perhaps a recruiter or potential employer who is reading your profile. However, they do affect your profiles ranking in search results for specific skills! A recommendation, on the other hand, requires some time and thought. The person recommending you actually has to write something (or you can draft it for them!). As with an endorsement, the person is putting their name on the line to support you, but its much more complete and conspicuous. A word about recommendations and references. It surprises me when I hear statements like this: I dont need LinkedIn recommendations; I already have good references. When does a prospective employer check your references? Usually its after an interview, when they are already close to a decision. Or maybe never. In contrast, LinkedIn recommendations are right up there on the Web to be seen, before the decision is ever made to bring you in for an interview. They can become a significant factor in that decision. Underutilizing the power of recommendations is one of the top mistakes most people make in their LinkedIn profiles. Watch for my next post, which will offer tips on obtaining and using recommendations. Subscribe to this blog to make sure you dont miss it. LinkedIn â€" Recommendations vs. Endorsements ShareShare1endorsements from people who dont know anything about you. You may also be aware that you can give and receive recommendations. Why are there two similar features, and whats the difference? (If youre not on LinkedIn, by the way, you may want to read my post LinkedIn, Who Needs It?) Heres how LinkedIn explains these features: An endorsement is a one-click way for your connections to endorse the Skills Expertise listed on your profile. There is not an automatic way to request an endorsement. A written recommendation is not included with this feature. A recommendation is a written statement of recommendation from a connection. You may request recommendations from your connections, as well as proactively recommend your connections. Do you see the difference in the level of effort involved? Endorsements are often given so casually that they may not carry much weight in the mind of someone perhaps a recruiter or potential employer who is reading your profile. However, they do affect your profiles ranking in search results for specific skills! A recommendation, on the other hand, requires some time and thought. The person recommending you actually has to write something (or you can draft it for them!). As with an endorsement, the person is putting their name on the line to support you, but its much more complete and conspicuous. A word about recommendations and references. It surprises me when I hear statements like this: I dont need LinkedIn recommendations; I already have good references. When does a prospective employer check your references? Usually its after an interview, when they are already close to a decision. Or maybe never. In contrast, LinkedIn recommendations are right up there on the Web to be seen, before the decision is ever made to bring you in for an interview. They can become a significant factor in that decision. Underutilizing the power of recommendations is one of the top mistakes most people make in their LinkedIn profiles. Watch for my next post, which will offer tips on obtaining and using recommendations. Subscribe to this blog to make sure you dont miss it.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Small is Beautiful The 10 Best Selling Cars in the World

“Small is Beautiful” The 10 Best Selling Cars in the World “Small is Beautiful”: The 10 Best Selling Cars in the World Image Source: UnSplash - Photography: Andrew PonsIN THE worldwide motor industry, small is beautiful. Data on the world’s newest best selling cars and trucks reveals no luxury or exotic brands, particularly in the top ten sellers.The 10 new best selling cars in the UK in 2015  were hatchbacks, superminis and crossovers, and this was no regional quirk.Of the 10 best  selling cars  worldwide, apart from two pickup trucks from Toyota and Chevrolet (with heavy sales in North America boosting their global tally), the remainder were hatchbacks, saloons and crossovers.DATA SOURCE: StatistaWithin the sales figures there are some interesting fluctuations and quirks on the same models’ data from the previous 12 month period.For instance, a number of the vehicles stayed within the top ten despite significant decreases on 2014’s figuresâ€"for example, the Ford Focus  experienced  19.4 percent decrease on 2014, taking it from the second to fourth best-selling car.However, 2015 was a good ye ar for Toyota, which became the manufacturer of the first car to break the 1.3m anual units ‘ceiling’; its Camry moving up one position in the top ten; and its RAV4 moving into the 10-bestsellers bracket for the first time.1. Toyota Corolla1,339,024  soldVIDEO SOURCE: YOUTUBETHE 4.7 percent increase in worldwide sales of the Toyota Corolla, with especially big performances in the US (363,332), China (300,641) and Japan (109,027), took  it to the top of the world’s best  selling cars list last year. It was also the first time ever that a car sold in excess of 1.3m units in a calendar year.2. Volkswagen Golf1,041,279 soldVIDEO SOURCE: YOUTUBEDESPITE Dieselgateâ€"or perhaps this occurred too late in 2015 to make any serious impactâ€"Volkswagen also broke the million units barrier with the Golf, with 1,041,297 sold worldwide, a significant increase on 2014’s planetary sales tally of 960,569. The compact, priced $18,995 / €16,543, experienced an 8.4 percent sales increase, with notably  marked action in  Germany and China.3. Ford F-Series920,172 soldVIDEO SOURCE: YOUTUBEGlobal sales of the Ford F-Series pickup truck totalled 920,172, a 1.6 percent increase on 2014’s global sales. The F-Series has been the top-selling vehicle in the US for almost four decades.  In the US alone, the F-Series, now available for an average target price of $49,711, had a total sales tally  of  780,354 units, making it Americas best-selling pickup for 39 straight years, and the best-selling vehicle for 34 straight years. The 2015 sales performance takes Ford ahead of their production forecasts for the year. In 2012, PriceWaterhouseCoopers forecast a worldwide production output of  902,830 F-Series units.4. Ford Focus826,221 soldVIDEO SOURCE: YOUTUBEALTHOUGH the Focus remains one of the best selling cars, its ranking in the upper sales echelons of the top ten fell from second to fourth, due to a 19.4 percent decrease on 2014’s sales figures. A total of 826,221 units of the compact were sold worldwide in 2015, at an MSRP of $17,199.  The Telegraph motor reviewer  gave a particularly ringing endorsement to  the 1.0 Ecoboost 125 Zetec, at a list price of £18,795, while in Ireland, Car Buyer’s Guide lists the 2015 model at an  average price at €20,574.5. Toyota Camry754,154 soldVIDEO SOURCE: YOUTUBETOYOTA’s sales of the Camry saw the car move  a single notch  in the top 10; an elevation that came about despite a 1.9 percent drop on its sales tally for 2014. The 2015 Camry, with an MSRP of  $24,655,  sold  754,154 units worldwide. The increase in ranking occurred despite a 1.9 percent drop on its sales tally for 2014.6. Hyundai Elantra746,924 soldVIDEO SOURCE: YOUTUBEHYUNDAI  sold 746,924 Elantras in 2015, a 9.1 percent fall on 2014s global sales, but still sufficient to leave it among the world’s favourite cars in 2015. Its popularity cannot be counted out. At the end of 2014, the Elantra, also know as the Avante outside of the US, sold its 10-mi llionth unit globally. The Elantra,  Hyundai’s first model, is one of only 15 or so cars to hit the  10-million units sales target.7. Volkswagen Polo698,182 soldVIDEO SOURCE: YOUTUBEDESPITE  not being sold in North America, the five-person German subcompact sold 698,182 units of the Polo in 2015, a 2.2 percent increase on 2014’s global sales figures. Again, the significant increase in units seems surprising in the light of Dieselgate, but it may be that the figures for end of 2016 will show the true impact of that controversy.8. Honda CR-V696,594 soldVIDEO SOURCE: YOUTUBETHE 696,594 units sold of the  $26,190 Honda CR-V were sufficient to keep the five-passenger compact crossover in the global top 10. However, worldwide sales for 2015 decreased on the previous year by 2.5 percent. However, the CR-V remains the Japanese manufacturer’s best-selling new car, and it is also the world’s best-selling utility vehicle.9. Chevrolet Silverado669,683 soldVIDEO SOURCE: YOUTUBETHE iconic General Motors pickup took ninth spot in the top 10, thanks a worldwide sales surge of 12.9 percent on the previous year that saw 669,683 units sold. This planetary performance elevated the Chevy truck, with its MSRP of $31,150 no fewer than seven notches in the world’s sales league from its position in 2014.10. Toyota RAV4664,382 soldVIDEO SOURCE: YOUTUBETHE RAV4 was another new arrival into the top 10 in 2015, climbing  into the global premier league thanks to an increase of 5.5 percent on its sales figures for 2014. the four-door, five-passenger Toyota vehicle  rose two places in the 2015 worldwide sales table, after selling 664,382 units during  the year. “Small is Beautiful” The 10 Best Selling Cars in the World “Small is Beautiful”: The 10 Best Selling Cars in the World Image Source: UnSplash - Photography: Andrew PonsIN THE worldwide motor industry, small is beautiful. Data on the world’s newest best selling cars and trucks reveals no luxury or exotic brands, particularly in the top ten sellers.The 10 new best selling cars in the UK in 2015  were hatchbacks, superminis and crossovers, and this was no regional quirk.Of the 10 best  selling cars  worldwide, apart from two pickup trucks from Toyota and Chevrolet (with heavy sales in North America boosting their global tally), the remainder were hatchbacks, saloons and crossovers.DATA SOURCE: StatistaWithin the sales figures there are some interesting fluctuations and quirks on the same models’ data from the previous 12 month period.For instance, a number of the vehicles stayed within the top ten despite significant decreases on 2014’s figuresâ€"for example, the Ford Focus  experienced  19.4 percent decrease on 2014, taking it from the second to fourth best-selling car.However, 2015 was a good ye ar for Toyota, which became the manufacturer of the first car to break the 1.3m anual units ‘ceiling’; its Camry moving up one position in the top ten; and its RAV4 moving into the 10-bestsellers bracket for the first time.1. Toyota Corolla1,339,024  soldVIDEO SOURCE: YOUTUBETHE 4.7 percent increase in worldwide sales of the Toyota Corolla, with especially big performances in the US (363,332), China (300,641) and Japan (109,027), took  it to the top of the world’s best  selling cars list last year. It was also the first time ever that a car sold in excess of 1.3m units in a calendar year.2. Volkswagen Golf1,041,279 soldVIDEO SOURCE: YOUTUBEDESPITE Dieselgateâ€"or perhaps this occurred too late in 2015 to make any serious impactâ€"Volkswagen also broke the million units barrier with the Golf, with 1,041,297 sold worldwide, a significant increase on 2014’s planetary sales tally of 960,569. The compact, priced $18,995 / €16,543, experienced an 8.4 percent sales increase, with notably  marked action in  Germany and China.3. Ford F-Series920,172 soldVIDEO SOURCE: YOUTUBEGlobal sales of the Ford F-Series pickup truck totalled 920,172, a 1.6 percent increase on 2014’s global sales. The F-Series has been the top-selling vehicle in the US for almost four decades.  In the US alone, the F-Series, now available for an average target price of $49,711, had a total sales tally  of  780,354 units, making it Americas best-selling pickup for 39 straight years, and the best-selling vehicle for 34 straight years. The 2015 sales performance takes Ford ahead of their production forecasts for the year. In 2012, PriceWaterhouseCoopers forecast a worldwide production output of  902,830 F-Series units.4. Ford Focus826,221 soldVIDEO SOURCE: YOUTUBEALTHOUGH the Focus remains one of the best selling cars, its ranking in the upper sales echelons of the top ten fell from second to fourth, due to a 19.4 percent decrease on 2014’s sales figures. A total of 826,221 units of the compact were sold worldwide in 2015, at an MSRP of $17,199.  The Telegraph motor reviewer  gave a particularly ringing endorsement to  the 1.0 Ecoboost 125 Zetec, at a list price of £18,795, while in Ireland, Car Buyer’s Guide lists the 2015 model at an  average price at €20,574.5. Toyota Camry754,154 soldVIDEO SOURCE: YOUTUBETOYOTA’s sales of the Camry saw the car move  a single notch  in the top 10; an elevation that came about despite a 1.9 percent drop on its sales tally for 2014. The 2015 Camry, with an MSRP of  $24,655,  sold  754,154 units worldwide. The increase in ranking occurred despite a 1.9 percent drop on its sales tally for 2014.6. Hyundai Elantra746,924 soldVIDEO SOURCE: YOUTUBEHYUNDAI  sold 746,924 Elantras in 2015, a 9.1 percent fall on 2014s global sales, but still sufficient to leave it among the world’s favourite cars in 2015. Its popularity cannot be counted out. At the end of 2014, the Elantra, also know as the Avante outside of the US, sold its 10-mi llionth unit globally. The Elantra,  Hyundai’s first model, is one of only 15 or so cars to hit the  10-million units sales target.7. Volkswagen Polo698,182 soldVIDEO SOURCE: YOUTUBEDESPITE  not being sold in North America, the five-person German subcompact sold 698,182 units of the Polo in 2015, a 2.2 percent increase on 2014’s global sales figures. Again, the significant increase in units seems surprising in the light of Dieselgate, but it may be that the figures for end of 2016 will show the true impact of that controversy.8. Honda CR-V696,594 soldVIDEO SOURCE: YOUTUBETHE 696,594 units sold of the  $26,190 Honda CR-V were sufficient to keep the five-passenger compact crossover in the global top 10. However, worldwide sales for 2015 decreased on the previous year by 2.5 percent. However, the CR-V remains the Japanese manufacturer’s best-selling new car, and it is also the world’s best-selling utility vehicle.9. Chevrolet Silverado669,683 soldVIDEO SOURCE: YOUTUBETHE iconic General Motors pickup took ninth spot in the top 10, thanks a worldwide sales surge of 12.9 percent on the previous year that saw 669,683 units sold. This planetary performance elevated the Chevy truck, with its MSRP of $31,150 no fewer than seven notches in the world’s sales league from its position in 2014.10. Toyota RAV4664,382 soldVIDEO SOURCE: YOUTUBETHE RAV4 was another new arrival into the top 10 in 2015, climbing  into the global premier league thanks to an increase of 5.5 percent on its sales figures for 2014. the four-door, five-passenger Toyota vehicle  rose two places in the 2015 worldwide sales table, after selling 664,382 units during  the year.