Monday, November 11, 2019

Extra spicy pizza, steak and ketchup, all the ranch The weirdest Uber Eats requests people make

Extra spicy pizza, steak and ketchup, all the ranch The weirdest Uber Eats requests people make Extra spicy pizza, steak and ketchup, all the ranch The weirdest Uber Eats requests people make We’re all a little particular about the way we eat our food. There is a salad I love to order from a diner specifically so that the next day, I can eat half of it with another dressing that mixes well with the original dressing. A little weird, right? However, that is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to weird food requests.In Uber Eats first ever Cravings Report survey, they  delved into delivery requests over the past year â€" the most popular delivery requests, some of the most unusual delivery requests, delivery requests by the day, and, of course, some of the wackiest delivery requests of the last year.Follow Ladders on Flipboard!Follow Ladders’ magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more!The most popular delivery requests in the U.S. No onions Extra sauce No tomatoes No cheese Spicy Extra cheese Extra ranch Dressing on the side No sour cream Ketchup The most popular food request combos Chicken Sandwich + No Onions Fries + Extra Sauce Gyro + No Tomatoes Turkey Wrap + No Cheese Pizza + Extra Spicy Fried Rice + No Onions Cheeseburger + No Mayo Eggs + Spicy Rice Bowl + Extra Sauce Steak + Ketchup These all sound rather reasonable, but let’s delve a little deeper.Requests (straight from actual customers)Here are some of the weirdest requests made by actual customers. Have you ever asked for musical accompaniment for one of your delivered meals (however, Toto’s “Africa” is a masterpiece and should be played at every meal)? And frankly, 13 containers of Ranch dressing is probably the norm for many people.The Statement Makers This is my Boyfriend’s Valentines gift. It would be amazing if you could play “AFRICA” by Toto when you deliver the donuts. You don’t have to play the whole thing, really just the chorus. WE LIKE OUR FOOD EXTREMELY SPICY. Got a $20 dollar tip for everyone if you make the spaghetti and lasagna spicy as SHIT and say it when you deliver the food. You know, so I know it’s real thanks guys. Big Dippers This is unique but I like to dip my sandwiches very heavily in ranch and honey mustard. Very very very heavily!! I just live for sauce, I hate dry food! Can I please have six dipping sides of ranch and six dipping sides of honey mustard each for my sandwich? May I have some extra sauce?  Okay, thank you, love you byeeeee! Please include at least six syrup and at least three ramekins of butter! This is incredibly important! Please also send 13 containers of Ranch Dressing. GIVE ME A LOT OF KETCHUP. I’d like extra guac. Yes I know it is extra. Some Like it Hot: EXXXXtra!!!! spicy. I like it this way and can handle it. Extra spicy please. Can I get some extra wasabi too. Yalls is the best. your tacos are SO GOOD!!! returning customer. Can you please add the spiciest hot sauce you have on it, I like it spicy!!!! so dont be afraid to add it. Is it the green spice salsa??? - thank you!!!! oh and P.S. do you have a piece of a lime you can add on the side? The Philosophers: People can change for the better, you know Can you leave instructions for me instead?  Do you recommend closing both eyes with each bite and daydreaming about beach parties in Goa? Can I add Banana Peppers? If so, that would make the stars in my galaxy of hunger cordially align ever so preciously and they would whisper through time and space. I just want water, I’m not messing with the Pop lately. Trying to change the way I eat. The body is your temple right? Anyway can I get water instead of pop? Hunger Games: Please let the protein gods bestow my platter with as much meat as possible. Heaps and heaps like the mountains of the Himalayas. And through the valleys and streams, an extra scoop of rice - to nurture the young landscape. Ok, I’ll keep it straight. I need as much meat and rice on this plate as possible. I’d love if you can add as much beans eggs and extra meat because I’m very hungry and I really like your restaurant. PLEASE PUT A CRAZY AMOUNT OF SHRIMP SOME STEAK WELL DONE Extra NOODLES EXTRA NOODLES Extra NOODLES extra NOODLES Extra NOODLES EXTRA NOODLES. The Perfectionists: Please send all sandwich parts separately. I will put together myself. BEANS HAVE TO BE REFRIED BEANS BLENDED SMOOTH WITH CHEESE ON TOP. Bacon extra extra extra crispy; if you try to bend the bacon and it breaks then it is perfect! Just short of burned is another good way to describe it. Thank you in advance for your attention to detail regarding the cooking of the bacon. It is the most important part of the meal, so please take the request seriously! Can I have milk and tons of caramel at the bottom of the iced coffee and whipped cream and tons of caramel on top? Delivery requests by day of the week Mondays:  eaters crave ketchup and extra mayo. Tuesdays:  requests for sweet and sour sauce spike. Wednesdays:  people want extra rice and extra onions. Thursdays:  people really don’t want any onion, but they crave extra bbq sauce. Fridays:  people can’t decide if they want cheese: requests for both “extra cheese” and “no cheese” spike. Saturdays:  eaters like it hot! Foods across the board are requested to be extra spicy, and people request sauces like honey mustard and ranch. Sundays:  people don’t want tomatoes and request their dressing on the side â€" they also want teriyaki sauce. You might also enjoy… New neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happy Strangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds 10 lessons from Benjamin Franklin’s daily schedule that will double your productivity The worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs 10 habits of mentally strong people

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